CAO, Cao Guimarães

$30.40 USD $24.32 USD
CAO, Cao Guimarães $24.32 USD

Cao presents a retrospective of the production of the filmmaker and artist Cao Guimarães. It includes images from photographic series, such as Gambiarra; stills from films, such as Da Janela do Meu Quarto [From the Window of my Room] and Andarilho [The Drifter]; excerpts from scripts; and a glossary made by Moacir dos Anjos. 
"Exploring the work of Cao Guimarães is like assuming the role of a cartographer who launches themselves aimlessly over a given space. Cartographers, after all, are those who, when crossing a territory, allow themselves to be affected by it, noting the topographic accidents that, for some reason, catch their attention the most; notes that can serve to guide others who will go through those same places." Moacir dos Anjos' words propose the definition of 'territory,' one of the terms that characterize Cao's universe of images, which Moacir goes through and offers to the reader as a space to be experienced.
Cao is the first monograph dedicated to the work of Cao Guimarães. The book was edited by Associação para o Patronato Contemporâneo (APC) in partnership with Cosac Naify.

For inquiries outside of Brazil, please contact us here.

ISBN: 978-85-405-0903-0
Publisher: APC e/and Cosac Naify
Year: 2015
Finishing: Brochura
Pages: 336
Dimensions: 170 x 210 x 30 mm
Languages: Portuguese or English

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CAO, Cao Guimarães on internet

Cao presents a retrospective of the production of the filmmaker and artist Cao Guimarães. It includes images from photographic series, such as Gambiarra; stills from films, such as Da Janela do Meu Quarto [From the Window of my Room] and Andarilho [The Drifter]; excerpts from scripts; and a glossary made by Moacir dos Anjos. 
"Exploring the work of Cao Guimarães is like assuming the role of a cartographer who launches themselves aimlessly over a given space. Cartographers, after all, are those who, when crossing a territory, allow themselves to be affected by it, noting the topographic accidents that, for some reason, catch their attention the most; notes that can serve to guide others who will go through those same places." Moacir dos Anjos' words propose the definition of 'territory,' one of the terms that characterize Cao's universe of images, which Moacir goes through and offers to the reader as a space to be experienced.
Cao is the first monograph dedicated to the work of Cao Guimarães. The book was edited by Associação para o Patronato Contemporâneo (APC) in partnership with Cosac Naify.

For inquiries outside of Brazil, please contact us here.

ISBN: 978-85-405-0903-0
Publisher: APC e/and Cosac Naify
Year: 2015
Finishing: Brochura
Pages: 336
Dimensions: 170 x 210 x 30 mm
Languages: Portuguese or English

CAO, Cao Guimarães - Nara Roesler Livros
CAO, Cao Guimarães - online store
Image of CAO, Cao Guimarães
CAO, Cao Guimarães