Atalhos, Fabio Miguez

$28.00 USD $14.00 USD
Atalhos, Fabio Miguez $14.00 USD

Fabio Miguez began to work on a series of small-format paintings titled Atalhos [Shortcuts] in 2010. This series, homonymous to the book and with more than 200 works at the time of the publication, brings together Miguez's recent production in an intriguing way. The small dimensions allow for an almost daily painting practice, free from the time commitments of the large-format paintings that the artist continues to create. In Atalhos [Shortcuts], he isolates certain elements of his work, creating small language units unique to each frame—to, later, be repeated in subseries and formal and chromatic variations. There is also a certain amount of experimentation on the surfaces, almost as if they showcased the techniques he developed over the years.

For inquiries outside of Brazil, please contact us here

ISBN: 978-85-66741-10-0
Publisher: APC
Year: 2018
Finishing: hardcover
Pages: 142
Dimensions: 17,5 x 21,5 x 1,5 cm
Language: Bilingual (Portuguese and English)
Text: Rodrigo Moura
Graphic project: Luciana Facchini

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Atalhos, Fabio Miguez on internet

Fabio Miguez began to work on a series of small-format paintings titled Atalhos [Shortcuts] in 2010. This series, homonymous to the book and with more than 200 works at the time of the publication, brings together Miguez's recent production in an intriguing way. The small dimensions allow for an almost daily painting practice, free from the time commitments of the large-format paintings that the artist continues to create. In Atalhos [Shortcuts], he isolates certain elements of his work, creating small language units unique to each frame—to, later, be repeated in subseries and formal and chromatic variations. There is also a certain amount of experimentation on the surfaces, almost as if they showcased the techniques he developed over the years.

For inquiries outside of Brazil, please contact us here

ISBN: 978-85-66741-10-0
Publisher: APC
Year: 2018
Finishing: hardcover
Pages: 142
Dimensions: 17,5 x 21,5 x 1,5 cm
Language: Bilingual (Portuguese and English)
Text: Rodrigo Moura
Graphic project: Luciana Facchini

Atalhos, Fabio Miguez - Nara Roesler Livros
Atalhos, Fabio Miguez - online store
Image of Atalhos, Fabio Miguez